This is a question of great concern for every believer. Having seen the glory of God in Christ, by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, we want to glorify God our Savior above all things.

                Most people presume that by a mere change of lifestyle, outward behavior, and outward appearance, they can glorify God. Therefore we see individuals and entire religious sects who dress in a peculiar manner, abstain from certain foods and beverages, and isolate themselves, as much as possible, from the world. Some live in monasteries, convents, and communes, and even forbid marriage, in an attempt to avoid evil and live in godliness. SUCH ASCETIC NOTIONS ARE TOTALLY CONTRARY TO THE WORD OF GOD (I Tim. 4:1-5; Matt. 15:10-20). THEY PROMOTE SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS, BUT NOT GODLINESS.

                Yet, we who believe must glorify God in our bodies and in our spirits which are God's (I Cor.6:20). IF I WOULD GLORIFY GOD IN THIS WORLD, MY ENTIRE BEING MUST BE CONSECRATED TO HIM. MY BODY, WHICH IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD, MUST BE USED FOR THE SERVICE OF GOD'S GLORY. Whatever we do with these bodies must be done as unto the Lord, for the glory of God (Col. 3:17). We must employ our bodies in the worship and service of our Master, and in ministering to our Father's children. And we must endeavor to keep our bodies under the rule of Christ, not giving in to the passions of our sinful flesh (Col. 3:1-14). This is certain: I WILL GLORIFY GOD IN MY BODY IF IN MY SPIRIT, IN MY INNER SELF, IN MY HEART I GLORIFY HIM. "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Gal. 5:16). Walk before God in this world with a spirit of FAITH (John 6:29), ADORATION (Ps. 135:1-6), LOVE (I Cor. 13:1-13), OBEDIENCE (I Sam. 15: 22-23), SUBMISSION (I Pet. 5:6-7), and DEVOTION (Luke 14:26-27), and you will live for the glory of God. This is the thing God requires of us. He says, "My son, give me thine heart" (Prov. 23:26). If he has our hearts, he will have our bodies also; and we will glorify God in our bodies and in our spirits, which are God's.