Men may accuse us of being antinomians. They may accuse us of promoting licentiousness. They may censor us, and warn others to avoid contact with us, as though our liberty in Christ were some kind of spiritual leprosy. But we will not again be entangled with the yoke of bondage. We will not attempt to reach the throne of God by climbing up the steep, rough slopes of Sinai. We will simply trust the free grace of God, streaming to us from the wounds of our crucified Savior, finding all our righteousness and all our redemption in that One who died for our sins at Calvary.

                As for those who seek to win God's favor by their obedience to the law, let them be warned. "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; YE ARE FALLEN FROM GRACE" (Gal. 5:4). Show me a man who trusts his own righteousness, his own obedience, his own devotion, his own feelings, or anything else of his own, and I will show you a man who is entirely lost, a man to whom the righteousness of Christ, the blood of Christ, and the grace of Christ is entirely worthless. Add the least element of law to grace, and grace is no more grace. Add the least particle of merit to Christ, and Christ is no longer Christ. Christ plus anything is not salvation, but damnation.