Editorial:   Good Works

Don Fortner


     Along with every other man who preaches the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ, I am constantly charged by religious legalists with antinomianism. And, along with all other sovereign grace churches, the men and women of Grace Baptist Church are frequently accused of believing and teaching doctrines that promote and inevitably lead to licentiousness. Weak minded men, who cannot refute our doctrine, must resort to casting hedious names and charges at us.

     I cannot stop the mouths of our detractors. But I can comfort and encourage God's people, so that the scandalous charges with which they are reproached do not disturb them. To that end I have written the articles which appear in this issue of THE GRACE BULLETIN. The articles are principally taken from my sermon notes for two messages I preached last month on the subject "BE CAREFUL TO MAINTAIN GOOD WORKS" (Tit. 3:5). If you would like to have these two sermons on cassette tapes, they may be purchased for $2.00 each, $4.00 for both tapes, postpaid, from GRACE TAPE MINISTRY, Route 3, Danville, Kentucky 40422.

    The legalists charge that the gospel we preach is antinomian and that it promotes wickedness and licentiousness. I challenge them to prove their charge! Let their be no mistake. We do, without apology, preach complete justification in Christ by the grace of God, without works - free, complete, irreversible pardon to all who believe - the eternal security and preservation of all God's elect - and the believer's total freedom from the law. What is the result of this preaching? I have been privileged for eight years to pastor a church without the least measure of strife or division. In peace, love and unified commitment, our assembly labors together for the furtherance of the gospel around the world. Our people give generously to support their pastor and other servants of Christ in the work of the gospel. This church is committed to evangelism and missions. And her pastor does not have to pump, pull, plead, prime and pamper folks to get them to serve the cause of Christ. If this is antinomianism, give me more of it! Until the legalist can produce love, joy and peace by tormenting people with law, his arguments will fall on deaf ears.