The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, did die upon the cross 2000 years ago. Though he was crucified by the hands of wicked men, he died according to the will and purpose of God (Acts 2:23). He died as a sin-atoning substitute for a specific people (Isa. 53:8). By his death upon the cursed tree the Son of God finished the work of atonement (John 19:30), brought in an everlasting righteousness (Dan. 9:24), obtained eternal redemption (Heb. 9:12), and purchased an inheritance in heaven (Eph. 1:11) for somebody. Without question, all for whom he died shall be saved by his blood and enter into heaven at last, because "He shall not fail!" "He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied." His blood was not shed in vain. ALL FOR WHOM THE SAVIOR DIED MUST BE SAVED! But, for whom did he die? Did the Lord Jesus Christ die for you?


HE DIED FOR HIS SHEEP (John 10:11), for God's elect. Is it not absurd to imagine that he died for those who were already in hell when he died?


CHRIST DIED FOR THOSE FOR WHOM HE MAKES INTERCESSION. He makes intercession for some, but not for others (John 17:9, 20). Do you not think it ridiculous to hear men declare that the Son of God died for people for whom he refused to pray?


HE DIED FOR ALL WHO TRUST HIM. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, he died for you. Your faith in him is both the gift of his grace and the proof of his grace to you (Heb. 11:1).


Pastor Donald S. Fortner


2734 Old Stanford Road

Danville, Kentucky 40422

Telephone 606-236-8235