"Charity Suffereth Long"

There is an old saying that has much truth in it, "Charity begins at home." It is more difficult to be longsuffering, patient, and kind - charitable – at home than anywhere else. Those who live with you know you best. And if you profess to be a partaker of Christ’s love, your family will detect the truthfulness or hypocrisy of your profession before anyone else. The best testimony that you can have toward your unbelieving husband, wife, or children is the testimony of a long-suffering, charitable disposition. Let us, therefore, live at our homes in a way that will reflect the love of Christ.

But, though charity begins at home, do not let it stop there. Bring it with you to church. Be patient and long-suffering with your brothers and sisters in Christ, Just as you experience the long-suffering and patience of God with you. Whenever you are tempted to speak harshly, or think evil concerning your brethren, remember "charity suffereth long", And take this charity with you out into the world. Yes,even in the presence of those wicked enemies of the Cross we are to be charitable. Perhaps God will by our charity open for us an opportunity to minister to men by the gospel.

Don Fortner