The Lord has graciously bestowed upon our congregation a sweet fellowship. Unless I am deceived, he has given us a spirit of true unity in heart and purpose. I was recently reminded of how precious this blessing is. A congregation which is very dear to me has been plagued with strife and division for thirty years, and it erupted again a few weeks ago. The poor people simply expect turmoil in their church. Some of the people seem to think that strife is a Baptist distinctive.

                I mention this only to remind you that the Lord has given us a very rare blessing of true fellowship in Christ. I cherish it; and I would not exchange it for anything in the world. Let us give thanks to God for his g race upon us, strife to protect our fellowship, and grow in love and trust toward one another. United in heart, let us labor for the furtherance of the gospel and the glory of Christ .................... Psalm 133:1