A Man And His Family

Men, women, and children are encouraged to express their individualism without restraint. Educators and physicians have pumped this philosophy into us constantly for the past two decades. As a result, the family has almost become insignificant. But for believers this cannot be.

It is the responsibility of every believing man to govern his family. He must do so in love, not by force. The husband is still to be the head of the house. But, if he would have his wife and children respect him as such, he must earn it. It is the husbands responsibility to provide for the family and to govern the family. Man, do you want to be the head of your family? You must live before your wife and children in subjection to Christ your head, in patience, love, sincerity, and truth. It is not enough just to be boss, you must be a leader.

As you love your wife and children, you must lead them in gentle firmness. Lead them in worship and prayer. Lead them by example. Lead them for Christ's sake.

Don Fortner