A Letter Which May Interest You


Recently, I received a letter from a preacher asking me to explain what we believe. Specifically, he wanted to know how to reconcile the message of God’s free and sovereign grace in Christ (particularly predestination, election and limited atonement) with what he has been taught to believe about man’s free will. Because he seemed both polite and sincere rather than argumentative, I took the time to answer his letter. This is what I wrote.


Dear ____,


Thank you for your note. If you care to search our web pages, you will find numerous articles and sermons answering your question. However, in short, this is my doctrine:


1.      All things that come to pass in time are brought to pass in providence and grace according to the eternal purpose of God in predestination (Rom. 8:28-30; 11:36; Eph. 1:11).


2.      God chose a people in Christ unto salvation from eternity who must and shall be saved in time (Eph. 1:3-6; 2 Thess. 2:13-14).


3.      All chosen and predestinated to eternal life in Christ were effectually redeemed by the blood of Christ their Substitute at Calvary (Eph. 1:6; John 10:11,15; Isa. 53:8; 2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:13).


4.      Every chosen, redeemed sinner is called to life and faith in Christ by the irresistible power and grace f God the Holy Spirit at the appointed time of love (Ezek. 16:8; Psa. 65:4; 110:3; Eph. 2:1-10).


5.      Man by nature, being dead in trespasses and sins, has no free will. Just as God's will is bound by the holiness and justice of his nature, so that he can do no wrong, even in the exercise of his will, man's will is bound by the sin and depravity of his nature, so that he can do nothing righteous, even in the exercise of his will (Rom. 3:9-19; John 5:40; 6:44).


6.      Man's will has absolutely nothing to do with the accomplishment of salvation (Rom. 9:16-18; Psa. 115:1).


7.      Faith in Christ is the gift and operation of God in his elect (Eph. 2:8; Col. 2:12).


8.      Every sinner who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ has everlasting life (John 3:36). Faith in Christ is the fruit and evidence of eternal life, the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).


9.      God's gift of faith in Christ is the fruit and evidence of election, predestination, and redemption (Heb. 11:1).


10.  All who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ shall persevere unto the end in grace and faith, being kept by the grace and power of God (John 10:27-30; 1 Pet. 1:5).


These statements are very brief, and the texts randomly selected; but I trust the answers given are sufficient to be of help to you. Please do not hesitate to write again, if you are interested. I am yours in the cause of Christ…


By God's Sovereign Grace,

