For whom did Christ die?

Revelation 14:3-4


The objects of redemption, those for whom Christ died, for whom he made atonement by the shedding of his blood, for whom he obtained eternal redemption, are a special and distinct people. The Scriptures declare that they are Òredeemed from the earthÓ (Revelation 14:3), from among all the other inhabitants of the earth. As explained in the very next verse, they are Òredeemed from among menÓ (Revelation 14:4).


The inspired writers seem to delight in using the pronoun ÒusÓ, when speaking of the death of Christ and our redemption by it. Thus the objects of redemption are identified as a distinct, particular people called Òus.Ó ÒChrist died for us.Ó God Òdelivered him up for us all.Ó Christ Ògave himself for us.Ó He did so Òthat he might redeem us.Ó The saints around his throne sing unto the Lamb, ÒThou hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood.Ó The Scriptures everywhere teach limited atonement, particular, effectual redemption accomplished and obtained for GodÕs elect by the sin-atoning death of Christ as our Substitute.


There is not a hint, suggestion, or implication of universal atonement anywhere in the Word of God. Not only does the Bible teach the blessed doctrine of effectual, limited atonement, the Word of God also tells us specifically and clearly who those sinners are for whom Christ died.


The Lord Jesus Christ died for every sinner in this world loved of God with an everlasting love. The objects of ChristÕs redemption and the objects of GodÕs love are the same. Redemption flows from the love of God and Christ (John 3:16; Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:16; 4:10). This love from which redemption flows is much more than some imaginary, universal benevolence, and much more than that general kindness shown in providence to all men, as the creatures of God. This is a special and discriminating love. It is the special, saving favor which God bears to his own people alone, as distinct from others. The Lord God declares, ÒJacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.Ó This is a hard pill for some to swallow. They would rather compromise the character of God and make for themselves a god like themselves (mutable, unfaithful, and untrustworthy) than acknowledge the plainly revealed fact that GodÕs love, his sovereign purpose of grace, his providence and all his saving operations are toward his elect alone. I defy anyone who denies this fact to give a sane interpretation of Isaiah 43:3-4.


This special, redeeming love is most highly expressed and clearly revealed by our all glorious Savior. When we see him hanging on the cursed tree, bearing in his own body all the sins of all his people, and suffering all the horrid wrath of almighty God as our Substitute, we begin to understand the meaning of JohnÕs words, ÒHaving loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the endÓ (John 13:1). All who are thus loved by Christ were redeemed by Christ. They are ÒhisÓ people, ÒhisÓ sheep, ÒhisÓ Church. To suggest, or imply that Christ died for reprobate sinners, who are the objects of his just wrath and contempt, such as Esau, is utter nonsense. Those who say that Christ loved Esau enough to die for him, when Christ himself says, ÒEsau have I hatedÓ, would make the Son of God a liar! They would rather declare that God is a liar than acknowledge that salvation truly is of the Lord in its entirety!









Don Fortner



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