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Christian or Antichrist?

1 John 2:18-22; 4:1-3; 5:1; 2 John 1:7


What does it mean to deny Òthat Jesus is the ChristÓ? — To deny that Jesus is the Christ is to deny that Jesus of Nazareth actually accomplished all that the Old Testament Scriptures assert that the Christ of God would accomplish.

What is it to confess Òthat Jesus Christ is come in the fleshÓ? — It is to acknowledge and confess that everything written in the Old Testament regarding the person and work of the Messiah, the Christ, meet in and were fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth. It is to confess that Jesus of Nazareth actually accomplished all that God asserted in the Old Testament Scriptures that the Christ, the womanÕs Seed, would accomplish.

What is it to believe Òthat Jesus is the ChristÓ? — To believe that Jesus is the Christ is to trust the crucified man, Jesus of Nazareth, as your Lord (Luke 14:25-33) and Savior (1 Corinthians 1:30). It is the commitment of your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, the Lord of Glory, the Prince and King of Heaven and Earth!

            Is your religion Christian or antichrist? Are you Christian or antichrist? Read Daniel 9:24 and you will see.







Don Fortner








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