Our Immutable Savior Hebrews 13:8


Our all-glorious Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ, is immutable in his Person. He is himself God. He never has changed and never can change in the essence of his Person, because he is perfect. Perfection cannot change. It is true, when he came into this world, the Son of God assumed our nature; but he did not change at all. He took our human nature into union with his divine nature; but nothing about his Person changed (Mal. 3:6). Though he died as our Substitute upon the cursed tree, his Person never changed. Our Master is forever the same. Nothing changes him. His attributes never change. His purpose of grace never changes. His great love never changes. And the objects of his purpose, grace, and love never change. Christ’s Person never changes. What he was before the world began he is now. What he is now, he shall forever be. And what he shall forever be he now is and always was (Lam. 3:22; Rom. 11:29). As our Savior is immutable in his person, he is immutable in all his works.


His Covenant Offices


Our dear Savior is immutable in all his covenant offices and relationships. Our God is very accommodating to our weakness. In order to communicate to us, he condescends to use human language. He describes himself to us in human terms in his Word. But whenever you read anything that implies change or limitation about God, it must not be taken literally. This must especially be understood of the covenant offices and relationships of Christ toward his elect. What Christ is to us and for us, he always was and forever shall be.


He is a Prophet who shall be heard, a Priest who makes satisfaction, and a King who rules from everlasting to everlasting. Jesus Christ is the eternal Husband of his church, a Husband who “hateth putting away.” The Lord Jesus is an eternal Brother, born in time for adversity, but set up from everlasting. He is an eternal “Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” He was from everlasting the Friend of sinners, and still is! He is just as ready today to pardon sinners, as he was when he forgave the woman taken in adultery. He is just as anxious to comfort his afflicted ones, as he was when he came to Bethany to comfort Martha and Mary. He is just as willing to meet the needs of his people today as he was when he washed his disciples’ feet. All that Christ ever was, he always was, and is at this moment. He is the eternal Surety of an eternal covenant (Heb. 7:22). He is the eternal Lamb who obtained eternal redemption (Rev. 13:8; Heb. 9:12; Rom. 8:28-34). He is an eternal Advocate who makes eternal intercession (1 John 2:1-2). He is an eternal Savior who gives his people an eternal salvation (2 Tim. 1:9-10; Heb. 5:9). We rejoice to know that all these things were revealed in time, accomplished in time, and applied in time. Our joy is in the experience of grace. But the pillar of our faith does not rest upon anything in time. We rest our souls upon the sure foundation of an eternal, immutable Savior.


His Doctrine


The doctrine of Christ is immutable. Certainly Paul had this in mind when he wrote, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” I know that he meant for us to understand that our Savior’s immutability includes the immutability of his doctrine, because in the next verse he tells us that it is the message of Christ that establishes our hearts with grace and prevents us from being “carried about with divers and strange doctrines.” Truth never changes. You can mark this down, in the matter of doctrine anything that is reported to be “new and improved” is false and damning. We walk right only when we walk in the old paths (Jer. 6:16). Divine truth does not change. The doctrine of Christ does not change. The gospel does not change.


His Grace


The Son of God is immutable in the operations of his grace. His doctrine never changes. And his method of operation never changes. He is “the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Whenever God has a work to do among men, he always does four things. In the Bible and in history we see these four things. Whenever God is pleased to pour out his grace upon sinners, whenever God has a work to do among men (1.) He always raises up a man to use—Moses. (2.) He always sends that man with a message – The Gospel. (3.) He always inclines his people to pray (2 Sam. 7:27). (4.) He always grants the power and grace of his Spirit to accomplish his purpose. This is our Lord’s method of grace. “It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” The church of God needs three things, only three, to accomplish her work in this world: ― God’s Man ― God’s Message ― and God’s Power. Everything else is a hindrance and liability.


His Power


Our great Savior is immutable in his position, possessions, and power (John 17:2; Phil. 2:9-11). He is on his throne. He possesses all things. He has all power. He is “the blessed and only Potentate,” the only possessor of power! We live in dark times, perhaps the darkest this world has ever seen. I cannot exaggerate the gravity of this hour. Never has error been more widespread and popularly received. In the “dark ages” papacy reigned by the sword over the bodies of men. In these darker ages free-willism reigns over the hearts of men. But there is no cause for despair. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. He has not abdicated his throne. He has not lost his spoils. He has not relinquished his power! He still holds all the resources of the universe, all the resources of God in his hand. Does the church need messengers? Christ has plenty! Do we need grace? Christ has plenty! Do we need power? Christ has plenty! We have changed. The world has changed. But Christ has not changed. He is eternally the same.


For Me


Allow me to interject a personal word. The Lord Jesus Christ is immutable to me. For thirty-seven years now, I have found him immutable. I have never known him to change. He abideth faithful. And all that he was to me when I first came to him, he is now and shall forever be (2 Sam. 23:5). Christ is all my Wisdom. Christ is all my Righteousness. Christ is all my Sanctification. Christ is all my Redemption. Christ is all my Hope. Christ is all my Desire (Psa. 73:25). I trust nothing but Christ. I have nothing but Christ. I want nothing but Christ.


Immutable Forever


This immutable Christ shall be the eternal glory, reward, and joy of our inheritance in heaven. Soon we shall depart from this changing world and enter that world where change is unknown. And if we are in Christ, we shall forever be with Christ and find him to be “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” All that he has been, all that he is he shall forever be. When everything around you seems to crumble like dried flowers in your hand, when it seems to you that the very foundations of all things temporal crumble beneath your feet, look away to our great, immutable Savior, and be at peace.


“Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day.

Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away;

Change and decay in all around I see.

O Thou who changest not, abide with me.”