What is your response to God’s sovereignty?

Hebrews 2:16


When the Son of God came into this world, he passed by the fallen angels, he passed by multitudes of fallen men, refusing to lay hold of them, refusing to pray for them, and took hold on the seed of Abraham, God’s elect, covenant people, to save them. For them, and them alone, he made intercession. For them, and them alone, he shed his precious blood. For them, and them alone, he obtained eternal redemption. What is your response to this fact so plainly and repeatedly stated in Holy Scripture?


“If you in your heart hate the doctrine that God has a right to save or to destroy you, you give me very grave cause to suspect whether you know your own position in the sight of God; for I am quite sure that no humble sinner will doubt God’s right to destroy him….I tell you, it is your unhumbled pride that kicks against these doctrines; it is your infernal self-conceit, born of hell, that makes you hate this truth. Men have always kicked at it, and they always will. When Christ preached it once, they would have dragged him out to the brow of the hill, and cast him down head long; and I expect always to meet with opposition, if I speak out broadly and plainly; but let me tell you solemnly, if you do not believe God’s right over you, I am afraid your heart has never been right before God.” (C. H. Spurgeon)


                In this day of man centered, man exalting, man pleasing “will worship,” while men everywhere declare God’s helplessness, I am determined to lift high the glorious banner of God’s absolute sovereignty, calling for proud worms to bow down before God’s sovereign throne. I am, in the name of God, calling for lost sinners to lay down your weapons of rebellion and surrender to God our Savior in his total sovereignty.


Do you ask, “Where does that leave man?” I answer, it leaves man in the hands of God almighty. Do you ask, “What about my choice? Have I no choice in this matter?” I answer, you do indeed. You have two choices: Either surrender to Christ’s sovereign dominion, or be crushed into hell for your rebellion.


Men rail at God’s servants for preaching the sovereignty of his free grace in Christ. They angrily denounce us as Hardshells, Antinomians, and Hyper-Calvinists. I care nothing for their opinions. I am happy to make will worshippers angry. I count it an honor to be the brunt of their slander and scorn. If a man hates the truth, I shall never be backward about stirring up his wrath. If a man is offended by the character of God, I shall be delighted to offend him (Isa. 45:5-10, 20-25; 43:1-13). It is the very glory of God to have mercy on whom he will have mercy and to be gracious to whom he will be gracious (Ex. 34:6). Those who deny his sovereignty hate the fact that he is God and would rob him of his glory as God. Do not be numbered among them.