Hebrews 1:6


While it must be acknowledged that we really know very little about the angels of God (because little is revealed), their ministry is very important and should not be ignored. The terrible confusion and utter heresy promoted by many in religious superstition concerning the angels of God needs to be exposed and laid aside. As it is with most spiritual matters, the whole religious world is caught up in superstition, sentimentality, and idolatry about the angels of God. Some venerate, pray to, and worship angels. Many wear idolatrous little “angel” pins as good luck charms to keep them from evil. Multitudes foolishly imagine that when babies and little children die, they become angels. In light of these facts, the need for clear instruction from the Scriptures is obvious.


Before the completion of Holy Scripture, before the entire canon of this Sacred Volume was written, God spoke to men in visions and by angels, as well as by prophets and apostles. He confirmed the word spoken in such a miraculous manner by miracles, signs, and wonders. But those days are over. Since that which is perfect has come, now that which was in part has been put aside (1 Cor. 13:10). We now have the complete Revelation of God in Holy Scripture. There is no need for, nor can there be, any inspired prophets or apostles with a new word from God. Because we have no new word from God, we do not now live in the age of miracles, signs, and wonders. Those things were needed in the church’s infancy to confirm the apostles as the messengers of the Messiah. For the same reasons, the Lord no longer sends angels, in visible or audible manifestations, to direct us in his will and ways. – We have God’s Word for that purpose.


However, that does not mean that the ministry of God’s angels has ceased. Far from it. The angels of God are just as active today as ever. The word “angel” means “messenger.” An angel is essentially a messenger from God, one created and sent of God. Without question, there is a specific order of heavenly beings called “angels.” The fallen angels (Rev. 12:4), are commonly referred to as “devils” or “demons” (James 2:19). Those fallen angels are messengers of Satan, bent upon the destruction of our souls. Whereas the angels of God are described as, “ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.”


The angels of God are God’s messengers of mercy to his elect. They are described in exactly this way in Genesis 32:1-2. Believers have far more friends than we know. As we make our pilgrimage through this world, as we seek to serve our God, as we walk through the midst of our enemies in this world of darkness, if only we could hear, we would hear the rush of angels’ wings, “God’s hosts,” at our side and round about us. If only we had eyes to see, we would see “the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire round about” those who dare be faithful to God.