The Doctrine Of The Grace Of God   

2 Timothy 1:9


     Paul was a prisoner at Rome, suffering "the afflictions of the gospel," when he wrote this, his final epistle, to Timothy, the young preacher so dear to his heart. His final word to this young man was an exhortation to faithfully preach the gospel, the doctrine of the grace of God. In this verse the aged Apostle gave his final definition of the gospel, showing us five things dear to his heart.

1. GOD IS THE AUTHOR OF SALVATION - "Who hath saved us." There is not a word in the text about man's will, morality, decision, righteousness, or works. The text talks about God's salvation. God's grace, God's calling, and God's purpose. "Salvation is of the Lord!"

2. GOD SAVES SINNERS IN A WAY THAT EXALTS THE GLORY OF HIS GRACE - "Who hath saved us and called us." Paul is not talking here about our experience of salvation in time, but about God's accomplishment of salvation in eternity. He saved us in his everlasting purpose of grace (Rom. 8:29-30). He saved us by the death of his Son (Heb. 9:12). Then he called us in time by the irresistible grace of his Spirit (Psa. 65:4; 110:3).

3. SALVATION IS NOT, IN ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER, THE RESULT OF SOMETHING MAN DOES - It is "not according to our works." Our works have nothing to do with our redemption, our justification, our sanctification, our preservation, or our glorification. Salvation is all of grace.

4. SALVATION IS ACCOMPLISHED ACCORDING TO GOD'S ETERNAL PURPOSE OF GRACE - "According to his own purpose and grace." Man is not saved by his decision, but by God's purpose. Salvation is not by man's "free-will", but by God's eternal, immutable, sovereign will (Rom. 9:11-18).

5. GOD'S SALVATION AND HIS GRACE WERE GIVEN TO ALL HIS ELECT, TO ALL WHO BELIEVE, "IN CHRIST JESUS BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN." Before the beginning of the ages of time, God gave all his elect all the blessings of his grace in Christ, our Representative and Surety, in the covenant of grace (Eph. 1:3). Salvation is sure and secure to all God's elect, because it is all of grace.


Don Fortner