"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:11


Christian contentment does not imply a lack of concern for our welfare. It implies that our desires for worldly good are moderate. It means that we do not indulge in unnecessary care, or improper efforts, to better ourselves. Contentment is that disposition of the mind in which our desires are confined to what we enjoy, without murmuring at our lot, or wishing ardently for more. To be content is to rest peacefully in God's providence.

Our contentment does not arise from our outward condition, but from that inward disposition, created in our hearts by the grace of God. Recalling God's past mercies, our own unworthiness, and the vanity of all earthly things, we rest in his goodness. We rest peacefully in the sovereignty of God's government of the world, the wisdom of his providence, and the certainty of his promises.

Having Christ, we have all things, and abound. No good thing will he withhold from us. What more can any man desire? Having Christ, we have enough to satisfy our need as sinners before a holy God. We have enough to satisfy our longings as renewed souls. We have enough to satisfy our hearts as pilgrims upon the earth. Having Christ, we have enough to satisfy our desires for all eternity. Christ is our Sabbath. We rest in him. This is contentment.