"That I May Know Him"    

Philippians 3:10


 We rejoice in and give thanks to God for the finished work of Christ. Our election in Christ in eternity, our redemption by the blood of Christ, our justification by the imputed righteousness of Christ, our regeneration by the Spirit of Christ, and our preservation by the power and grace of Christ, are all themes of delightful meditation, praise, and thanks- giving to our God. But the work of Christ is not the object of our faith. The object of our faith is Christ himself.We know,love,trust,adore, and worship a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ himself. We preach him "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree." We fellowship with him who is one with the Father. We wait in hope for the coming of him who loved us and gave himself for us. We long to be conformed to the image of him who is the image of God. The object of our faith is a Person, Jesus Christ the Son of God.

 IT IS THE PERSON OF CHRIST THAT GIVES MERIT AND EFFICACY TO ALL THAT HE HAS DONE, IS DOING, AND SHALL DO FOR HIS ELECT. Were Jesus Christ not who he is, both almighty God and perfect Man, his work would be of no effectual value to either God or man. His blood could not atone for sin. His righteousness could not merit heaven. His intercession would have no basis for acceptance. But because he is both God and Man in one Person, Jesus Christ is able to save to the uttermost all who come to God by him (Heb. 7:25).

 ETERNAL LIFE IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST'S PERSON (John 17:2-3). Do you know the Son of God? That is the one issue that is vital. It is essential that we know what Christ has done. But you may know all about his work and not know him. We must know him, whom to know aright is life eternal.

 YET, NO ONE CAN KNOW THE LORD JESUS CHRIST EXCEPT BY DIVINE REVELATION (Matt. 16:13-18). You can, to some degree, know the doctrine of Christ by learning and instruction. You can know much about the work of Christ by reading the Bible. But you cannot know the Lord Jesus Christ unless he is revealed to you and in you by the Spirit of God. Ever seek and pray for that revelation of grace.


Don Fortner