eph 01v06 Accepted In The Beloved



Ephesians 1:6

The whole of our salvation is in Christ. Our acceptance before God is entirely in Christ. We were accepted in him before the world was. We were accepted in him when we fell in our father Adam. We were accepted in him before we believed. We are accepted in him now. And we shall be accepted in him for all eternity. Neither our good works, nor our bad works has any bearing upon our acceptance with God. The Lord God has washed our sins away by the atoning blood of his own Son. He has imputed to us the very righteousness of Christ. Because we are redeemed and justified in Christ, we are forever accepted before God. God will never impute sin where he has already imputed righteousness! "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute iniquity." WE ARE ACCEPTED IN CHRIST!