Have You Submitted To God’s Righteousness?

Romans 10:2-3


There are many who earnestly desire salvation and eternal life, who will never be saved. There are many thoughtful and zealous men and women who very eagerly seek salvation, who will perish under the curse of God’s holy law. They want to be saved, but they will not bow to God’s way of salvation. “I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God”.


Mark those words, “submitted themselves”. Many will not be saved, multitudes will perish forever in hell under the wrath of God because they will not submit to God’s righteousness, that righteousness established by God in the Person of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.


As you read these words, if you are not yet saved, if you are yet without Christ, if you are yet under the wrath of God, it is simply because you will not submit to salvation by grace alone through the imputed righteousness of Christ the sinners’ Substitute. You may talk about grace, waiting for grace, and praying for grace. You may talk about wanting to trust Christ. But you only deceive yourself. Your problem is that you keep trying to do something, find something, feel something, or experience something, anything of your own that you can bring to God with the blood and righteousness of Christ for salvation. You are trying to mix merit and mercy. You want to mix works and grace. You want to be a co-savior with the Son of God. That will never happen. God will not allow it.


Proud man wants to save himself. You believe you can do it. You will not submit to salvation by Christ alone. If you would be saved, you must make your suit before the bar of God as an undeserving, hell-bent sinner, seeking the unmerited gift of his salvation on the footing of mercy alone! This is the thing the carnal mind cannot do - it cannot beg for grace. You think that you can work out a righteousness of your own that God will accept, or at least you can say, or do, or think, or feel some good things that will supplement the righteousness and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. You will not be saved by pure grace alone.


            In order to be saved, you are going to have to throw away your filthy rags of self-righteousness. You will have to come to Christ in your naked guilt, sin, and loathsomeness, or you will never be an heir of eternal life.


“Nothing in my hands I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling;

Naked come to Thee for dress, Helpless look to Thee for grace;

Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Savior, or I die.”


            The only way for a sinner to obtain righteousness before God is by submitting himself To The Righteousness of God in Christ by faith.

Don Fortner