Baptism - An Act Of Faith       

Romans 6:6-10


     In these verses Paul shows us the basis and reason for baptism. He begins by saying, "Knowing this." That is to say, we were baptized because of certain things we know. True baptism is based upon and arises out of personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

     Twenty-four years ago, I was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. I was sixteen years old at the time. There were some things that I knew by experience,things which I had been taught by the Spirit of God, that com- pelled me to be baptized. My knowledge is, I hope, more mature, fuller, and more settled now. But I knew some things back then. This was my creed when I was sixteen. And this is my creed at forty. God helping me, this will be my creed when I draw my last breath on earth. This is what I have confessed in believer's baptism.

     My old man is crucified with Christ (v.6). The old man is the old nature.Its will,its mind,its affections, its lusts can never be improved. It must be destroyed. This old man was nailed on the cross judicially two thousand years ago with Christ. He is being crucified daily by the Spirit and grace of God. And he must be destroyed at death. This body of sin must die. For the believer, that is not a curse, but a blessing.

     Knowing that this old man must be destroyed, it is contrary to reason and to grace,that I should serve sin (vv. 6, 16). Why would anyone pamper a dead man, serve a dead man, or be governed by a dead man? I have given myself to Christ, who is my life. I will serve him.

     Knowing that I have been crucified with Christ, I have been totally and forever freed, or justified, from sin (v. 7). In Christ I am absolved from all charges, forever freed from the guilt, the penalty and the consequences of sin (I John 3:5). I carry the burden of sin in my members. I am engaged in a warfare with sin everyday. Sin mars, pollutes and defiles everything I think, say and do. But sin shall never be laid to my charge (Rom. 4:8).

     And I am confident that if I am dead with Christ, I shall live with him forever (vv. 8-10). As Christ arose from the dead, I arose in him and shall be raised by him at the last day. As he lives unto God, I live in him in perpetual, unconditional, immutable acceptance with him. This is the confidence of faith set forth in believer's baptism.


Don Fortner