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Justified by Faith in Christ

Romans 4:25-5:2

Every true believer is justified by faith in Christ by the declaration of God the Holy Spirit in conversion. When God the Holy Ghost regenerates the sinner, giving him faith in Christ, as that sinner looks to Christ alone as his Savior and Redeemer, the blessed Spirit of God sprinkles the blood of Christ upon the conscience and speaks like a bailiff reading the verdict in court — “JUSTIFIED!” Thus every believing sinner receives justification by faith in Christ. Christ has justified us by his great sin-atoning sacrifice; and all who believe on him as Lord and Savior receive the many benefits of his finished work. One of those many benefits which we receive by faith is justification.

Faith in Christ does not cause God to justify us. The obedience of Christ has done that. But faith, resting upon Christ alone as Savior, obtains peace with God, the peace of perfect, complete justification. Faith does not merit justification with God; but faith receives justification. Faith is not the basis upon which we are justified; but faith is the instrument by which justification is received. Faith is essential; but it is not meritorious. Faith receives Christ; but it does not merit Christ. Faith receives the forgiveness of sin; but it does not merit forgiveness. Faith receives grace; but it does not merit grace. Faith receives justification; but it does not merit justification. — We were justified in the court of heaven by the decree of God the Father and by the death of God the Son. Then, in the experience of grace, we are justified in the court of conscience by the declaration of God the Holy Spirit.

            Like Enoch of old (Hebrews 11:5-6), all who trust Christ have God’s own testimony in their consciences by the witness of the Spirit that they please God. It is faith in Christ that pleases God (John 6:28-29). And it is faith in Christ that receives testimony from God that like Christ himself, because we are in him, the Father says of us, “I am well-pleased!

      Like Enoch, God’s people in this world please him, satisfy him, and are accepted by him, only by faith in Christ. Enoch did not please God by his own works of obedience, but by faith in Christ. “Without faith it is impossible to please him.” Every true believer pleases God, just like Enoch did.

      Like Enoch, all who trust Christ, being partakers of the first resurrection, the new birth (Revelation 20:6), shall “not see death.” Then, on that great day of judgment, it shall be declared that we please God, perfectly, completely, without flaw, because we have fully obeyed him and satisfied him in the obedience and death of Christ, our Substitute (Revelation 21:27; Ephesians 5:25-27).




Don Fortner








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