act 18v10 I Have Much People In This City



With these words, OUR Lord encouraged the Apostle Paul to continue his labors at Corinth. Nothing can be more inspiring to true evangelism than a true knowledge of electing grace. There is a great multitude in this world whom God has chosen in eternal election and determined to save. They have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, and he must bring them to heaven. We are not seeking to convert the world. But we are seeking the Lord's sheep. We are laboring together in this place for the eternal salvation of God's elect. The providence of God toward this congregation should inspire us to be zealous in the work. The fact that he has raised us up as a witness in this place, in such an unusual manner, seems to me as the voice of God to us, saying, "I have much people in this city." It may be that the God of all grace will be pleased to use us to gather his elect to himself.