Ready To Hear

Acts 10


How blessed our time together would be if, when we come to the house of worship, we had prepared our hearts to hear from God. Cornelius said to Peter - "Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God." Their place of worship was simple - a man's home. But God is not honored with brick and mortar. Peter had come with a message from heaven fresh on his heart. The congregation had come with a sense of their need, seeking a message from God, and praying for the preacher. Peter preached unto them Jesus Christ and those who heard believed. I ask you, is it any wonder that the Holy Spirit came down in their midst?

May it please the Lord to make us READY TO HEAR from God. Pray for your pastor, that he may come with a message from God concerning his Son, Jesus Christ. Come with a sense, of your need, expecting to hear from God. And receive the word by faith. It may be that the power of God will be manifest in our midst.

Don Fortner