The Children of God — The Only Objects of Redemption

John 11:52

The Son of God died to redeem and save those chosen sinners who were adopted from eternity as the children of God. He did not die in vain for those he never chose to save. Our great, sin-atoning Substitute laid down his life and died for the children of God. He died to "gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad" throughout the world.

Redemption and Adoption

Redemption and adoption belong to the same people. Those who are predestinated to adoption by Christ are said to have redemption in him through his blood (Ephesians 1:5, 7). This blessing of adoption, in the full enjoyment of it, in the resurrection, is called Òthe redemption of the body.Ó The resurrection is called the redemption of our bodies because redemption, in so far as the application of it is concerned, will not be complete until our very bodies are redeemed from all the consequences of AdamÕs fall (Romans 8:23; Ephesians 1:14; 4:30).

All Who Believe

Our all-glorious Redeemer died for every sinner in the world who believes on him as Savior and Lord. The fruit of redemption is the evidence of redemption; and faith in Christ is both the fruit and the evidence of redemption. The children of God are a particular number of men, who were given by God to his Son to redeem. They are the seed promised to him in the covenant of grace that he should see and enjoy, and with whom he shall be satisfied forever. These are the people to whom he stands in the relation of the everlasting Father. They are the people for whom and on whose account he became incarnate, took part of the same flesh and blood. They are the many sons he shall bring to glory (Hebrews 2:10, 13, 14). They, and only they, are the children of God who are openly and manifestly the children of God by faith, who believe in Christ. This faith in Christ is owing to and the result of special grace and distinguishing love. It is a work, operation, and blessing of grace conferred upon none but they who are the objects of GodÕs election and ChristÕs redemption, and is a favor that is conferred only on the elect (Romans 9:8; Galatians 3:26; John 1:12; 1John 3:1). If you trust the Son of God, he died for you. Your faith in him is the fruit and evidence of the fact that he redeemed you with his precious blood.

His Church

Our great and glorious Savior died, made atonement for, and redeemed with his precious blood his church which is his bride and spouse. It is the church which he loved and for which he gave himself as a sacrifice and ransom price to redeem. It is the church he has purchased with his blood. That church is all the elect of God, whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life (Ephesians 5:25; Acts 20:28). Of that church of which Christ is the head and husband, he is the Redeemer (Isaiah 54:5). That cannot be said of any denomination, or of all bodies of men professing to be the church of Christ. The great whore of Babylon is not the spouse of Christ. Those who are drunk with the intoxicating wine of Babylon (Arminian, free-will, works religion) do not belong to and have no part with this church which is the bride of Christ. That church coming from Babel our Redeemer calls a whore. The church which is his bride, he calls a chaste virgin! Though there may be Òthreescore queens, and fourscore concubinesÓ of BabylonÕs sort, Christ says, "my dove, my undefiled, is but oneÓ (Song of Solomon6:9). This is his Bride. This is his spouse









Don Fortner



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