Seeking The Lord's Sheep

John 10:14-16


The singular purpose of every gospel ministry and every local church in this world is this: SEEKING THE LORD'S SHEEP. We give ourselves relentlessly to the preaching of the gospel, at home and abroad, for the salvation of God's elect, that God may be glorified. God has not placed us here to entertain sinners, to provide wholesome activities for the youth, or to feed the world. He has put his church in the world to seek his sheep. And we know that our labor shall not be in vain.

1. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS A PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD CALLED "HIS OWN SHEEP" (v. 3). In the covenant of grace God the Father gave his elect into the hands of Christ, the Mediator, trusting to him their welfare, safety, redemption and eternal salvation. And the Lord Jesus Christ voluntarily agreed to accept all responsibility for all the sheep as their Shepherd (John 6:37-40).

2. CHRIST JESUS LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS SHEEP (vv. 11,15). The good Shepherd died in the place of his sheep as their Substitute (II Cor.5:21; I Pet.3:18). Christ ransomed, redeemed, purchased, and bought his sheep out of the hands of God's broken law and offended justice (Gal.3:13). He voluntarily laid down his life for his sheep. Therefore, none of the sheep, none of those for whom Christ died, shall ever suffer the wrath of God.

3. THE GOOD SHEPHERD WILL EFFECTUALLY SAVE ALL HIS SHEEP (vv. 27-30). He calls his sheep with a personal, effectual, irresistible call, gives them eternal life, and causes them to follow him. Christ seeks his sheep until he finds them everyone, lays them upon his shoulders, and carries them home rejoicing.

4. CHRIST, OUR GOOD SHEPHERD, EFFECTUALLY KEEPS ALL HIS SHEEP IN HIS OMNIPOTENT HAND OF GRACE, AND WILL BRING THEM ALL SAFE TO HEAVEN (v. 16). All who were given to him in eternity, redeemed by him at Calvary, called by him in time and kept by him in faith, shall be with him forever in heaven. All the sheep shall be one. And the sheep and the Shepherd shall be perfectly one.


Don Fortner





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