Four Glorious Gospel Doctrines      

John 6:37


     In this one verse of Holy Scripture the Lord Jesus Christ clearly states four glorious doctrines of the gospel. Be sure you understand them. If you understand them, you will rejoice in them.

     ETERNAL ELECTION - "All that the Father giveth me." Though our Lord speaks of this act here in the present tense ("giveth") to show the continuance and immutability of God's saving grace, in verse 39 he speaks of it as an act of God the Father in the past. God the Father chose his elect in eternal love and gave them to Christ in the covenant of grace, as his seed, his bride, his sheep, his portion, and his inheritance. The Father put his elect into the hands of his Son, and the Son of God assumed all responsibility for them, promising to save them with an everlasting salvation.

     EFFICACIOUS GRACE - "Shall come to me." To come to Christ is to believe on him. This is the result of electing love and regenerating grace. It is not here said that those given by the Father to the Son may come if they will, but that they shall come! God the Holy Spirit, by irresistible grace, makes them willing and causes them to come to Christ (Ps.65:4).They come willingly. Otherwise,he would not receive them. Our God has no unwilling servants. But their willingness to come is the result of his grace and power (Ps.110:3;John 5:40).

     SALVATION BY FAITH - "And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." The Son of God here promises to receive every sinner who trusts him. Only grace can make you come. Yet, you must come to Christ. If you refuse to come,your damnation is your own fault.If you do come,salvation is yours in Christ,you have been chosen, redeemed, and called by grace. Your faith in Christ is the proof of your election, redemption, and calling.

     PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS - "I will in no wise cast out." All who come to Christ, he not only receives, but also keeps and preserves by his almighty grace. This is stated emphatically in the text, which might be translated, "I will never, no never, cast out!" Christ will never, for any reason, cast his people out of his heart, out of his arms, out of his family, out of his body, out of his favor, or out of his grace. Being redeemed by his blood, justified by his righteousness, and saved by his grace, "THEY SHALL NEVER PERISH!"



Don Fortner