"The Sin Of The World"              

John 1:29


     Christ's effectual atonement for sin was made for a specific, though innumerable, multitude of sinners. When an Arminian reads that the Lamb of God "taketh away the sin of the world," he says, "There is the proof of universal redemption. Christ died for the whole world and took away the sins of everyone in the world." To those who have no knowledge of the gospel and the glory of God in redemption that sounds good. But the Arminian has a big problem. Such an interpretation of the text contradicts the plain statement of Holy Scripture. There are many in hell whose sins Christ did not take away (Matt. 7:23). Therefore it cannot be true.

     Some say,"Christ took away all the sins of the world except the sin of unbelief."If that were the case, Christ would be no Savior at all. Man would be his own savior, because man by his free-will, not Christ by his blood, would be the one who takes away the sin of unbelief.

     If Christ died to take away the sins of those who yet suffer the wrath of God in hell, then we are all without hope, there is no Savior, the Bible cannot be believed, and faith in Christ is a vain delusion! But, thank God, it is not so! Christ is an effectual Savior! Those sins which God charged upon his Son, for which Christ suffered and died, are forever gone. He took them away! And those sinners for whom Christ died shall never be charged with sin. They shall never be condemned. They are forever justified (Rom. 4:8; 8:1, 32-34). The blood of the Lamb was not shed in vain, as the worshippers of free-will would have you believe.

     What does the text mean then, when it declares that Christ, the Lamb of God, "taketh away the sin of the world?" It means exactly what the Bible universally declares. "Christ died for sinners." "In due time Christ died for the ungodly." Every sinner in the world who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ has this assurance from God in the gospel - Christ took your sins away (Isa. 40: 1-2). God will never charge any believer with sin (Rom. 4:8). Find me a sinner! I have good news from God for sinners. "The Lamb of God taketh away the sin of the world!" He did not try to do it. He did it! He does not make it possible. He did it! If you trust him, Christ has taken your sin away forever! And your faith in him is the proof that he took your sin away when he died as the Lamb of God.


Don Fortner