Is Your Bed Too Short?


"The bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it." Isaiah 28:20


When a bed is short, a man cannot lie down in comfort and stretch himself out upon it. When the covering is narrow, a man cannot cover himself with it, so as to stay warm and comfortable. Now the Lord here uses this proverb to describe those who seek to find a place of comfort and rest in a refuge of lies. The Lord made this statement to his professed people, Israel, by the prophet Isaiah. It needs to be sounded out again in our day. Therefore, I ask you – IS YOUR BED TOO SHORT?


What Bed Are You Resting Upon? Perhaps you had a very remarkable religious experience. You felt deep remorse over your sins. After you made a profession of faith, there were many changes in your outward conduct. It may be that your life has been greatly reformed. You go to church. You read your Bible. You say very orthodox in your creed and very strict in your conduct. Upon these things, you are resting. You hope, because of these things, God will accept you. But the Lord himself says, “the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it.”


What Is Your Covering? Most people have a very religious covering. They cover themselves with outward morality. They cover themselves with obedience to the law. They cover themselves with religious zeal. They cover themselves with religious knowledge and piety. Most people seem to think that they can, some way or other, make up for their past wickedness by becoming religious. Can a man cover his sin with self-righteousness? The Lord says, “the covering is narrower than that he can wrap himself in it.”


We Must Have A Better Bed And a Better Covering. We must submit to the righteousness of Christ. There is no bed upon which a man can stretch himself and find rest for his soul except Jesus Christ and his finished work. We must be covered with the garments of salvation, even the righteousness of Christ and his shed blood.

Don Fortner