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ÒTrust Ye in the Lord ForeverÓ

Isaiah 26:1-21


Isaiah was a faithful prophet. He played a one-string banjo. He constantly harped on one thing: — The Lord Jesus Christ and GodÕs salvation in, by, and with him. Here the prophet once more points us to Òthat day,Ó that glorious day, this blessed Gospel Day in which we now live. Isaiah used that little phrase, Òin that day,Ó 53 times. In doing so, he particularly calls our attention to the mercies of God that are ours in Christ by redemption and grace and calls for us to relentlessly sing his praise because of those mercies. And he promises peace to all who are stayed upon him in faith.

      IsaiahÕs message to us in this chapter is found in verse 4. ― ÒTrust ye in the Lord forever.Ó Some who read these lines carry heavy burdens. Some are going through great trials. Some, no doubt, will be called to pass through deep waters of trouble, the fiery furnace of affliction, and the dark valley of bereavement before long. This is GodÕs word to you. ― ÒTrust ye in the Lord forever.Ó


Our Strength

The prophet of God tells us why we can and should trust in the Lord our God forever. ― ÒTrust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.Ó Trust him at all times, in every state and condition, in times of affliction, temptation, and darkness, as well as in times of happiness, peace, and light. He will support you in every circumstance and will, in his own time, deliver you out of every trouble. He will cause all things to work together for your good. Trust in him always for everything, for all temporal blessings, for all spiritual ones, and for eternal life and happiness. These are his gifts of grace. He has them in his hand for you. He has promised them. And he will give them at the appointed time.

      ÒFor in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength!Ó ― Christ is the Lord Jehovah, which is, and was, and is to come, self-existent, eternal, and immutable. In him is strength, as well as wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. In him is strength for you, his elect, strength for everything you need, strength to bear you up under the weight of temptation, trouble, and affliction, strength to withstand and conquer every enemy, strength to work his grace in you, and strength to discharge every duty. His strength is everlasting strength. It is always in him and always to be had from him. He is the eternal God, who is our refuge. His arms of power and might are underneath you. They are everlasting arms.


Our Rock

These words could just as well be, ÒIn the Lord Jehovah is the Rock of Ages.Ó Christ is the Rock on which the church and every believer in it is built, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. He has been the Rock of his people in ages past and will be in ages to come. He that trusts in the Lord has a mighty Rock of refuge in this world and in the world to come. And he who is our Rock is Jehovah our God, God the Son, one with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost (1 John 5:7).






Don Fortner








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