"The Prince Of Peace"            

Isaiah 9:6


     Everything connected with Christ as the Prince and King of the universe shows him to be the Prince of Peace. His kingdom lies not in meat and drink but in joy and peace in the Holy Ghost. The Sceptre of his kingdom is the golden sceptre of mercy and grace. His Throne is the throne of grace. His Royal Proclamation is the gospel of peace. The Fruit of his Spirit is love, joy, and peace. And the Subjects of his kingdom are both peaceable and peacemakers. He is called the Prince of Peace because it is his sovereign prerogative to speak peace to his people. And there is no real peace in the world but that which he bestows. Christ the Prince of Peace gives "peace which passeth all understanding" to those who trust him. He who made peace with God for sinners by the blood of his cross (Col. 1:20; II Cor. 5:18-21) freely gives peace to sinners by his almighty grace.

     CHRIST BESTOWS PEACE UPON ALL WHO COME TO GOD BY HIM THROUGH THE GRACIOUS INFLUENCE OF HIS SPIRIT (Rom. 5:1-5). "He is our Peace." No one will ever apply to Christ for peace until they are in trouble and distress of soul, made to feel the danger, bitterness, and consequences of sin, and made to see the impossibility of helping themselves. But when weary, heavy laden sinners seek him, Christ hears their prayers and gives them peace. He steps out upon the bow of their troubled, tempest tossed ship, reveals himself in boundless, almighty grace, and says to their raging souls, "Peace be still." And immediately there is a great calm.

     CHRIST MAKES PEACE BETWEEN PEOPLE WHO ARE NATURAL ENEMIES (Eph. 2:14-20; Col. 3:11). In Christ racism, social prejudices, and natural barriers are broken down. His people dwell together in peace. Where the Prince of peace reigns there is peace.

     THE PRINCE OF PEACE GIVES PEACE TO ALL THE SUBJECTS OF HIS KINGDOM BY GRACIOUSLY INVITING AND ENABLING US TO CAST ALL OUR CARES UPON HIM (James 5:6-7; Prov. 3:5-6). He manages and rules all things for our good. Even his afflictions are tokens of his love, and as such yield to us the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Christ teaches us how to live in peace by his Word, his Example, and his Spirit. When his people draw near to death he floods their hearts with peace (Psa. 37:37). And when he calls his ransomed home the Prince of Peace will bring us into heaven, the kingdom of his eternal peace (Heb. 4:9-11).


Don Fortner