Reading The Word Of God           

Psalm 119:18


            Many true believers, I fear, read the Word of God very little. As a result of their neglect of the Holy Scriptures they get little comfort from the Word when they need it, they are never really established in the truth of God, and their lives are a long, sad history of mistakes made because of their ignorance of God’s revelation. This neglect of God’s Word is as shameful as it is costly. If you have been negligent in this area, repent of your negligence at once and begin reading the Word of God this very day with regularity, seeking to know and worship him of whom the Book speaks.


            Are you willing to read the Word of God? Do you want to profit from it? Here are seven suggestions which I picked up from J. C. Ryle several years ago that will help you to profit by the reading of the Word of God.


1.      Read the Bible with an earnest desire to understand it. Do not be content to just read the words of Scripture. Seek to grasp the message they contain.

2.      Read the Scriptures with a simple, childlike faith and humility. Believe what God reveals. Our reason must bow to God’s revelation.

3.      Read the Word with a spirit of obedience and self-application. Apply what God says to yourself and obey his will in all things.

4.      Read the Holy Scriptures every day. We quickly lose the nourishment and strength of yesterday’s bread. We must feed our souls daily upon the manna God has given us.

5.      Read the whole Bible and read it in an orderly way. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable.” I know of no better way to read the Bible than to start at the beginning and read straight through to the end, a portion every day, comparing Scripture with Scripture.

6.      Read the Word of God fairly and honestly. As a general rule, any passage of Scripture means what it appears to mean. Interpret every passage in this simple manner, in its context.

7.      Read the Bible with Christ constantly in view. The whole Book is about him. Look for him on every page. He is there. If you fail to see him there, you need to read that page again.

Don Fortner