"In All Thy Ways"       

Psalm 91:11


     The believer is kept in safety. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, if we are walking in the way appointed for us by our God, we are guaranteed the protection of the angels of heaven (Heb. 1:14).

     What does the Psalmist mean by "thy ways"? "Thy ways" are the ways in which the believer walks in this world. Notice the word "ways" is in the plural. The believer's ways are:

     1.  The Way Of Faith In Christ - (Heb. 11:1-13). "The just shall live by faith." We live before God by faith in the merits of Christ's blood and righteousness.

     2.  The Way Of Obedience To Christ - (Acts 9:6). With Abraham, the believer says, "Here am I," when his Master calls. With Samuel, he says, "Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth thee!" With Isaiah, he says, "Send me!"

     3.  The Way Of Trust In The Providential Rule Of Christ - (Rom. 8:28). The believer's heart attitude in all things is one of submission to the will of God. His heart says, "It is the Lord: let him do what seemeth him good" (I Sam. 3:18).

     4.  The Way Of Honesty, Uprightness And Integrity (II Cor. 1:12; 4:2; Acts 24:16). The believer is a man honest in all things. He pays his bills. He speaks the truth. He walks uprightly.

     5.  The Way Of Consecrated Service To The Glory Of God - (Acts 15:26; Rom. 12:1-2). The believer is a person whose heart and life is consecrated to Christ. It is not a perfect consecration, but it is both a sincere and a growing consecration.

     6.  The Way Of Separation From The World - (II Cor. 6:14-18). The believer willingly separates himself from the things of the world, the ways of the world, the people of the world and the religion of the world.

     7.  The Way Of The Cross - (Lk. 14:25-33). The believer willingly takes up his cross and follows Christ, day by day, regardless of cost or consequence, he seeks to do the will of his Lord, putting all things in subjection to him.


Don Fortner