"Power Belongeth Unto God"

Psalm 62:11


     If, in anyway, we limit God's sovereignty and omnipotence, we deny his essential Divinity and destroy every foundation of true faith in him. Throughout the scriptures God's sovereign omnipotence is set before us as a matter of greatest praise and adoration, ever encouraging faith in him (I Chron.29:10-11; Jer. 32:17-18; Dan.4:35). God's saints on earth, and all the saints and angels of heaven, when they ascribe glory to God, praise him for his omnipotence as God (Rev. 4:10-11;5:13;7:11-12;19:5-6). Omnipotence means that God has all power over all things. Sovereignty is the exercise of that power. By this sovereign omnipotence, God declares his greatness, calls for all men to bow before him, and encourages the faith of his own people in him (Isa.46:9-13). Indeed, God has placed the stamp of omnipotence on all that he does. (l.) God created the world by omnipotent power (Gen.1:1-3; Heb.11:3). (2.) God's omnipotence sustains, provides for and rules the world and all things in it (Job 9:4-12; 26:7-8; 38: 6-12, 25-27). (3.) God's omnipotence is revealed in the redemption of sinners by Christ. It is seen in the things leading up to and in the completion of Christ's redemptive work (His Incarnation-Lk. 1:35-37; His Miracles-Lk.9:43; His Death-John 10:17-18;19-30; Acts 2:23; and His Resurrection-Rom.1:4). (4.) It is by the omnipotence and irresistible power of God's grace that sinners are born-again, converted and given faith in Christ (II Cor.4:6-7; Eph.1:19). (5.) The perseverance of every believer in grace and faith is by God's omnipotence (I Pet.1:5). And (6.) in the last day God shall raise the dead by his sovereign, omnipotent power (Matt.25:32-46; John 5:28-29). This omnipotent, almighty God is our God. He is a God of unlimited power. He is a Savior of unlimited ability. He is uncontrolled and uncontrollable. He always does exactly what he wills to do. He always does all his pleasure. He cannot be restrained, frustrated, or defeated. And his will and pleasure is the eternal salvation of all his elect (Isa.53:10-11). The Almighty God is a God worthy of implicit faith.                  


Don Fortner