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The Righteousness Imputed James 2:23
I was recently asked, ÒWhat is that righteousness that God imputes to his elect?Ó I know that some make a strict separation between what theologians call Òthe active obedienceÓ of Christ in his life and his Òpassive obedienceÓ in death. I really do not like those expressions, and use them here only to represent what men say. Our LordÕs obedience in death was no more passive than that of his life. Our blessed SaviorÕs death was but the consummation of his obedience as our Surety. He was not passive. He laid down his life for his sheep. But what is the righteousness of God that is imputed to us? The righteousness imputed to GodÕs elect, the righteousness of God made ours in Christ (Jeremiah 23:6; 33:16; 2 Corinthians 5:21), obviously is not GodÕs attribute of righteousness; but that righteousness God requires of, performed for, and gives to his elect, is the righteousness Christ the God-man brought in (Daniel 9:24) by his obedience unto death, both the righteousness of complete obedience to God and of perfect propitiation in the satisfaction of divine justice (Matthew 5:20).
Don Fortner
Pastor FortnerÕs