mar 16v15 The Work of the
Work of the Church
“Go ye into all the
world, and preach the gospel to every creature!” Mark
Language could not clearer. Our
ascended Lord has left one work for his church to perform. He tells us to preach
the gospel! The
This is not just a command for
preachers, missionaries, and evangelists to go. Primarily, it is a call to the
people who form the church, all believers. It is as though our Lord were saying
to all who follow him, “As you are going through this world, sound out the
gospel”! Yes, he means for you to be actively engaged in the work? He means for
you to sound out the message of redeeming grace!
Multitudes are perishing around
you! Your neighbors, your family, your friends are sinking down into hell! Will
you refuse to tell them of Christ and his salvation? Will you let them die
without telling them where life is found? Oh, may God fire our souls, that we
may earnestly make known unto men the gospel of his grace!
God taught us the gospel. He has
revealed his grace within us. He has given us his Word, not to be hidden under
a bushel, but to be proclaimed from the housetops! For the glory of Christ, for
the love of his name, for the increase of his kingdom, for the souls of men,
let us all be engaged in this mighty work. GO PREACH THE GOSPEL! Do it