"Heaven And Earth Shall Pass Away: But My Words Shall Not Pass
Mark 13:31
“Heaven and earth shall pass away.” All creation, and all things connected with this present creation, all things involved in the curse, all things affected by and infected with sin, shall pass away. This present heaven and earth shall soon be dissolved, burnt up with the fire of God’s holy wrath (Mk. 13:24-25; 2 Pet. 3:10-14; 2 Cor. 4:18).
We live in a world in which everything is temporal and passing away. We are all going to a world in which everything is permanent and eternal. The bliss and glory of heaven is eternal. The horrors and torments of hell are eternal.
Our state in the unseen world of eternity depends entirely upon our relationship to the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, in this world of time. If you are washed in Christ’s blood and robed in his righteousness now, you will be clean and holy forever. If you trust Christ as your Savior now, he will be your Savior forever. If you are one with Christ now, you shall be one with Christ in eternity. If you love Christ and are loved of Christ now, you shall love Christ and be loved of Christ forever.
If you meet Christ in judgment as an unbeliever, you will be an unbeliever forever. If you are unclean when you leave this world, you will be unclean forever. If you are a rebel when you draw your last breath, you will be a rebel forever. If you are cursed and damned when you go out to meet God in judgment, you will be cursed of God, hated by God, and damned by God forever!
Your only hope for eternal life is the free, sovereign, saving grace of God in Christ, the sinners’ Substitute. “Heaven and earth shall pass away.” Will you? Will you pass away into everlasting hell? Why will you die? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”
“But my words shall not pass away.” “For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.” "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." All those passages of Scripture referring to the immutable, absolute certainty of God’s word are applicable to God’s word in every place.
· His Words of Inspiration
· His Words of Decree
· His Words of Doctrine
· His Words of Grace
· His Words of Promise
· His Words of Wrath.
He who is the omniscient, holy, perfect, omnipotent, unchangeable God never needs to alter his word! God’s word is never yea and nay, but always yea and amen.
Don Fortner