“Because He Delighteth In Mercy, He Will Turn Again…”
Micah 7:19-20
As we have seen, mercy is always active, working, and effectual. The instances of mercy, to the objects of it, are many and varied.
God’s election of some to salvation and eternal life in Christ was a great work of mercy toward us. To be precise, election is an act of God’s sovereign, everlasting love (Jer. 31:3); and all the blessings of grace flow to chosen sinners “according as he hath chosen us in” Christ (Eph. 1:3-6). Yet, God has decreed, according to his love toward us, to show mercy. He has resolved within himself, saying, "I will have mercy, and will save." Thus, “God hath not appointed us to wrath,” which we fully deserve, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.” Presupposing our need of salvation as fallen creatures, our all-merciful God chose us unto salvation in everlasting mercy. He created us as vessels of mercy, because he was resolved from eternity to turn to us in mercy and save us, according to the riches of his grace in Christ.
Our redemption by Christ is a great act of divine mercy. It was the mercy of God that resolved upon redemption and salvation for us, found a ransom for our souls, and sent Christ into the world on the errand of salvation (Job 33:24). Mercy laid help upon one that is mighty and exalted one chosen out of the people to be our Redeemer. In him, "mercy and truth have met together.” In Christ crucified as our Redeemer, “righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” In his love and pity, the Lord Jesus Christ redeemed us (Isa. 63:9).
The forgiveness
of sin is a marvelous work of God’s mercy. Forgiveness must be traced to the
mercy-seat, the throne of grace, which is Christ himself. Without God’s free
mercy, forgiveness could never be obtained (Psa. 51:1; Dan. 9:9; Luke 1:77,78).
God has promised it in the covenant, as the effect of his mercy; "I will be merciful to their
unrighteousness” (Heb
Our regeneration, the new birth, is the result of God’s great mercy, too (Eph. 2:1-6; 1 Pet. 1:3). It is wonderful and special mercy which quickens sinners dead in trespasses and sins; enlightens such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and delivers them from the bondage of Satan. It is mercy, omnipotent, immaculate mercy which gives liberty to men long enslaved to sin and Satan, snatches them as brands out of the burning, and saves them from everlasting destruction! Mercy found us in a pit wherein there was no water, no relief, and no comfort, brought us out and planted us in the garden of grace! It is the mercy of God that revealed Christ to us and in us, the hope of glory; and gives us a good hope through grace.
Don Fortner