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ŇThe Remnant of JacobÓ Micah 5:7-8
GodŐs people are a remnant, a Ňlittle flockÓ of GodŐs choosing (Romans 9:27; Isaiah 10:21-22; Luke 12:32). This remnant is distinguished from the world around it by Divine blessings, as GideonŐs wet fleece was distinguished from the dry ground by the dew of heaven upon it (Judges 6:36-38).
GodŐs Remnant We are a remnant; but we are GodŐs remnant, a remnant in a covenant relationship with God in Christ. As such, this blessed remnant is distinguished and separated from the rest of the world. They are a people that dwell alone, and are not reckoned among the nations. This remnant is in the midst of the world, but never a part of the world. It is in the midst of many people, but belong to none of them. Though living in the world, GodŐs elect are not of the world, but chosen, redeemed, and called out of the world.
Dew from the Lord This chosen remnant is described by Micah as Ňa dew from the Lord.Ó — What a beautiful picture! As the dew is from heaven, so believers in Christ are born from above, not of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. This remnant, the prophet tells us is Ňas showers upon the grass.Ó Remember, my brother, remember, my sister, this remnant is you. GodŐs prophet describes the Church and people of God Ňas showers upon the grass,Ó telling us that as the Lord Jesus promised to come down as showers upon the mown grass to revive and refresh his people, so his people live in constant dependence upon him and receive out of his fulness all we need, while all the earth is empty, barren and dry as stubble to our souls.
Free Grace The dew and the rain are free. They wait not for man, but fall from God, and at his appointment. So grace is not dispensed according to our deserving, but according to GodŐs free bounteous and super-abounding mercy! How our hearts ought to echo the words of Robert Hawker in his comments on this passageÉ
ŇOh, precious promise, or rather precious cluster of promises, — and all in Jesus!Ó
A Lion In verse 8 Micah adopts another figure to tell the same thing. In verse 7 GodŐs remnant is passive in receiving blessings from the Lord. In verse 8 they are very active, going forth in the LordŐs strength to the LordŐs cause. Acting under the name and authority of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the worm Jacob is enabled to thresh the mountains (Isaiah 41:14-15). As a lion, strong and mighty, powerful and courageous, every foe is utter weakness before GodŐs Church. As we assault the gates of hell in the name of Christ by the preaching of the gospel, the very gates of hell shall fall before us. Because the Lion of the tribe of Judah is at our head, none can prevail over us!
Don Fortner
Pastor FortnerŐs