GodÕs Prophets and GodÕs Word
ÒThe word of the LORD that came to Micah the Morasthite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, [and] Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.Ó (Micah 1:1)
GodÕs prophets, pastors and preachers after GodÕs own heart, those men God gives to His Church to feed His people with knowledge and understanding, come with GodÕs message as it is set forth in His Word, with GodÕs authority. Those preachers of old came before the people to whom they spoke as men sent from God with a message, a message that must be declared. Today the hireling minister comes to the pulpit to present a lecture on morality, or to give a sermon on religion, or to insist on the performance of some moral or religious duty, or instruct people in some point of denominational orthodoxy. Preachers today come to ÒshareÓ some thoughts and give you something to think about. Micah came with Òthe word of the LORD!Ó What a difference! What a blessed day it was when ÒThere was a man sent from God, whose name was John!Ó Where is the man today who comes from God to deliver a message from God to my soul? I want to hear that man! Micah was such a man. He declared Òthe word of the LORD.Ó He preached Òthe word of the LORD,Ó that was given specifically to him, Òthe word of the LORD that came to Micah the Morasthite,Ó to Micah from Moresheth-Gath in Judea. It was Òthe word of the LORDÓ given to him for the day in which he lived, Òin the days of Jotham, Ahaz, [and] Hezekiah, kings of Judah.Ó It was Òthe word of the LORDÓ which Micah Òsaw,Ó that which he understood by experience, that which the Lord God taught him personally. ÒThe word of the LORD that came to MicahÓ was GodÕs word to a specific people. It was both fresh and personal. It was specifically GodÕs word to and Òconcerning Samaria and Jerusalem.Ó In fulfilling the work of the ministry it is not enough to simply set before men the evidences of Christianity, or to insist upon the performance of religious duties. Those men God sends to His people as pastors according to His heart are messengers from God to men. GodÕs servants must declare to men the message they have received from Him by prayer, study, and meditation. We dare not alter or conceal any part of that which we have been commanded to deliver. —— ÒHe that hath My word, let him speak My word faithfullyÓ (Jeremiah 23:28). We must make known all the counsel of God. And, having declared GodÕs message with all plainness and fidelity, we urge men to receive it with all the energy we possess. — ÒKnowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade menÓ (2 Corinthians 5:11). Those men who speak as GodÕs ambassadors to eternity bound sinners, who stand and speak to immortal souls in ChristÕs stead, have a burden to bear: — ÒThe burden of the Word of the Lord.Ó GodÕs prophets get their message directly from God Himself; and that message is weighty, so weighty that it is called, ÒThe burden of the Word of the Lord.Ó And IÕll make you this promise: — Any preacher who does not find his ministry a burden here will find it a burden hereafter, a burden that will sink him into the lowest hell!
Don Fortner
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