job 01v08
Job 1:8
This is the testimony of God
himself concerning his servant Job: "There is none like him in the earth,
a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? I cannot
question these facts: Job was God' s servant. He
feared God and hated evil. He was a perfect and upright man. These things do
not describe Job's actions, but the reigning characteristics of his heart,
"for the Lord looketh on the heart".
I know that Job was a perfect man, because God says
he was. But I also know that he was not a sinless man in the flesh, because he
confessed, "I have sinned" (Job
What does the Bible mean when it uses the word
"perfect: to describe those who believe God? The word is used in four
ways. Usually, as in Job 1:8, it means "SINCERE". God's people
are not deceitful, hypocritical, or pretentious. Sometimes, perfect means "MATURE"
(James 3:2). That person who has learned to bridle his tongue by the grace of
God is a mature believer. He is not a babe in Christ, but a man. Frequently,
the word perfect refers to the believer' s POSITIONAL
HOLINESS, SINLESSNESS, and BLAMELESSNESS before the law of God by the
atonement of Christ and the imputation of his righteousness (Ez.