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Atonement Money Exodus 30:11-16
In this portion of Holy Scripture God the Holy Ghost gives us GodÕs law regarding the numbering of the children of Israel and the atonement money they paid, so that no plague come upon them. This is a very instructive and blessed type and picture of our redemption, the ransom of our souls, by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Limited Atonement We believe, rejoice in, and preach, without apology, the great and glorious Gospel doctrine of particular and effectual redemption accomplished by the precious, sin-atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ — Limited Atonement. I defy anyone to find any place in the Book of God that even hints at the possibility that Christ shed his blood for those who perish in hell. Where does the Word of God proclaim an atonement that does not atone? —A redemption that does not redeem? — A deliverance that does not deliver? —A ransom that does not set free? — A Savior who does not save? — Nowhere! Everywhere in Holy Scripture, in every place, every chapter, every verse, every prophecy, every picture, and every type which speaks of or in any way explains the great and glorious redemptive work of Christ, it is always set before us as the redemption of a specific people and a redemption that is effectually accomplished, a redemption by which those specific people are actually redeemed. The ransom money for atonement was paid for a certain number of people. — ÒThe sum of the children of Israel.Ó A certain price was paid. — ÒHalf a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary.Ó And a certain result followed. — Those who were redeemed according to the requirement of the law had Òno plague among them!Ó
Three Statements I call your attention to three blessed facts of divine revelation found in this portion of Inspiration. 1. None were redeemed except GodÕs chosen, the children of Israel; and all the children of Israel were redeemed. All the children of Israel were numbered with the adult males of the nation; and they made up the specific number for whom this atonement money was paid — 603,550 men. 2. The ransom price was determined by divine measure. Those who were redeemed were redeemed with Òhalf a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary.Ó GodÕs demands were measured out by God himself, exacted by God, and paid to God. Here is the measurement of the sanctuary: ÒThe precious blood of Christ!Ó 3. All the chosen brought the atonement money in their hands. Even so, all GodÕs elect must and shall come to God through faith in the blood of Christ, through faith in the accomplished redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ. Coming to God by faith in the blood of Christ (Romans 3:25), believing sinners are assured that no plague shall befall them!
Don Fortner
Pastor FortnerÕs