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The Blood Spilt, Sprinkled, Seen Exodus 12:13
The precious, sin-atoning blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, poured out upon Calvary, when Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us, was magnificently typified in the blood of the paschal lamb spilled in Egypt, sprinkled upon the doorposts and lintel of every house of Israel, and seen by God, as he passed through the land of Egypt in judgment.
Blood Spilt The blood spilt is our salvation and safety. GodÕs people are safe because, only because, they are Òunder the blood.Ó Our salvation, our safety, our security is in the blood, only in the blood of Christ, the blood spilled by the hand of divine justice at Calvary. The blood of the Lamb had to be spilt, violently spilt, or we could never be saved. There was no necessity for God to save anyone. Salvation is altogether the free gift of his grace. But, having determined to save his elect from the ruins of fallen humanity, the only way God could save his people and forgive their sins was by the death of Christ. — ÒWithout shedding of blood is no remissionÓ (Hebrews 9:22). The justice of God had to be satisfied in order for God to save his people; and the only thing that could ever satisfy the justice of God is the blood of Christ. The blood must be spilt, or sinners cannot be saved.
Blood Sprinkled And the blood spilt must be sprinkled. Exodus 12:7 makes a striking allusion to the sprinkling of the blood of the Lord Jesus (Hebrews 9:19-20; 12:24). The blood had to be sprinkled upon the two doorposts of every house, because no one can get into the house and family of God, but by blood. And the blood had to be sprinkled upon the lentil, overhead, because sinners must have a mediator between us and the holy Lord God. But the blood must not be sprinkled upon the threshold, because the blood of the covenant, the precious, sin-atoning blood of Christ must never be looked upon as a common thing, as something that is to be trampled underfoot (Hebrews 10:29). Our RedeemerÕs precious blood must be applied as well as shed. It had to be sprinkled in heaven, accepted by God; and it must be sprinkled upon, personally applied to, each ransomed soul (Romans 5:11). The Holy Ghost, whose office it is to take of the things of Christ and show them to his people, giving the heaven-born soul faith in Christ, sprinkles the conscience from dead works and declares justification in the soul. So that every sinner, taught of God, has the testimony from God himself that Enoch had, Òthat he pleases GodÓ (Hebrews 9:12-14; 11:5-6). O Lord, grant that our souls may fully feel and know the blessed application of ChristÕs blood and righteousness, in this soul-refreshing way, to the glory of God in Jesus Christ!
Blood Seen
The blood by which we are redeemed, justified, and saved is blood that is seen, seen by God himself with approbation, approval, and satisfaction. Our seeing the blood by faith is not redemption, but the blessed experience of redemption. It is GodÕs seeing the blood that is our redemption and salvation. Those Israelites inside their houses could not see the blood. It is GodÕs eye upon the blood that is salvation. And the Lord God saw the blood from everlasting, accepted it from everlasting, and accepted us by the blood from everlasting. Christ is the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8; 17:8), and all for whom he was slain from eternity were saved by him from eternity (Romans 8:29-30; Ephesians 1:3-5; 2 Timothy 1:9-10).
Don Fortner
Pastor FortnerÕs