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“The Manifold Wisdom of God”

God’s Wise Use of Sin — (Psalm 76:10)


Redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ is so sufficient a way of salvation that it is altogether consistent with all the attributes of God to save the chief of sinners. And the justice, holiness, and truth of God demand the eternal salvation of every sinner for whom Christ died upon the cursed tree.


Effectual Redemption

Be sure you understand the doctrine of Holy Scripture in this matter. We believe in an effectual redemption, limited atonement. We believe, according to the Scriptures, that the Lord Jesus Christ actually redeemed and justified every soul for whom he died, and that by his death upon the cross, he infallibly secured the eternal salvation of God’s elect (Hebrews 9:12; 1 Peter 2:24; 3:18).

      To suggest, as most people do, that Christ died for those who perish under the wrath of God in hell is to deny the justice of God, impugn the holiness of God, and repudiate the truth of God. Indeed, it is to trample underfoot the blood of Christ as a common, unholy thing (Hebrews 10:29), a useless waste!

      The justice of God, having been satisfied by the blood of Christ, demands the salvation of every redeemed sinner. Yes, our salvation in Christ is as much a matter of justice as it is a matter of grace. It is but an act of justice for a creditor to release a debtor of all obligation when his debt has been fully paid.



If Jesus my discharge procured,

And freely in my room endured

The whole of wrath divine,

Payment God cannot twice demand,

First at my bleeding Surety’s hand,

And then again at mine.


      The holiness of God, having been honored and maintained by Christ, demands the salvation of all for whom Christ lived upon the earth (Romans 5:19). Christ’s righteousness being made ours, God’s holiness fully approves of us!

      And the truth of God demands that every sinner who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ be saved (Psalm 85:10; Romans 10:9-13). God the Father promised his Son that he would save all whom he redeemed (Psalm 2:8; Isaiah 53:9-10). God the Son has promised sinners that he will receive all who come to him (John 6:37-40). God the Spirit has promised that he will keep every believer in grace (Ephesians 1:13-14).


More Glorious

We see the wisdom of God in his purpose of redemption by Christ in that those attributes of God which seemed to require our destruction appear most glorious in our salvation.

      The justice of God is infinitely more glorious in our redemption by the death of Christ than it could be if all mankind had suffered the wrath of God forever in hell. He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Now we know that God is no respecter of persons. When justice found sin upon God’s own dear Son, the Son of God was slain under penalty of the law.

      The majesty of God is more evident in the salvation of sinners by Christ than it could be were all the world cast into hell. It is one thing for the King of the universe to punish such worms as we are. But for God to punish his own dear Son, the God-man, when sin was found on him, is to proclaim the majesty of his Being to all the world (Lamentations 1:12-14). Christ’s sufferings were of infinite value. His sufferings were infinitely effectual. Our dear Savior’s sufferings were infinitely satisfactory. And the sufferings of the sinners’ Substitute warn sinners of the infinitely dreadful Majesty whom we must meet in judgment.


Consistent with God

Here is the wisdom of God. —– Redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ is so sufficient a way of salvation that it is altogether consistent with all the attributes of God to save the very chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). For great sinners, there is great grace from the great God, by our great Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:20-21). His grace is sovereign (Romans 9:16-18). His grace is boundless, free, immutable (Malachi 3:6), all-sufficient, effectual grace (2 Corinthians 12:9). — “Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain!




Don Fortner








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