The Glorious State Of God’s Saints
In Heaven
Lesson #4
Images of
Heavenly Glory Revelation 21:1-27
Revelation chapter twenty-one. In that chapter the Holy Spirit gives us several
biblical images representing the present and everlasting state of God’s saints
in heaven’s glory. It is mot my intention in this study to the mysteries of
that chapter. I know the impossibility of that task. We will never know the
fulness of the glory awaiting us until we experience it. But the things
recorded in those twenty-seven verses do give us some images of the heavenly
glory awaiting every believer.
In this series of studies I am
trying to describe the glorious state of God’s saints in heaven, a task more
fit for an angel than for a man, or for one of the glorified saints in heaven
than for a weak, sinful, mortal creature like myself. But it is a task God has,
I believe, laid upon my heart and one in which I thoroughly delight. Our
conception of heavenly glory and the greatness of it must be formed according
to the adjectives used in the Word of God to describe it.
It is an unseen glory (1 Cor. 2:9). The glory of heaven
consists of “things not seen” (2 Cor.
4:18), which are eternal. We look for and have an assured hope of heaven by
faith. But no one on earth has ever seen it. (See Heb. 11:1.) No one here has
ever had so much as a glimpse of heaven but by faith. We live in hope of that
which we have not yet seen (Rom. 8:24-25).
The glory of heaven is for us a future glory (Rom. 8:18; 1
John 3:2). Our friends who have gone before us enjoy the glory of heaven now.
But for us, it is altogether a future thing, yet to be revealed. Sometimes we
imagine that we have experienced a little foretaste of heaven, or a little of
“heaven on earth,” in the worship of our God; but we have never come close. The
glory of heaven is a glory yet to be revealed.
It is also an incomparable glory (Rom. 8:18).
There is nothing in this world to be compared to the glory of heaven. All
earthly honor, riches, pleasure, and greatness are trifling and empty things of
vanity, when compared to the glory that awaits us. Even the sufferings of God’s
saints in this world for Christ’s sake, which is the purest and most glorious
form of service to him, is not worthy to be compared to the glory that awaits
us. And if our most glorious services cannot be compared to the glory of
heaven, they certainly cannot be meritorious of heaven! The very best things we
do for our God, from the purest principles cannot be compared to heavenly
glory. Our afflictions for Christ are “light
afflictions” - Heaven is a weight of glory. Our afflictions are but for a
moment - Heavenly glory is eternal.
It is the
prospect of heavenly glory that supports believers in their troubles, and makes
them choose to suffer affliction with the people of God and to esteem the
reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, causing them to
take joyfully the spoiling of their goods for Christ’s sake, knowing that in
heaven they have a better and an enduring substance (Heb. 11:25-26; 10:34). If
nothing in this world can be compared to the glory that awaits us in heaven,
then let us set our hearts on things above, not on things on the earth (Col.
3:1-4; Matt. 6:19-34).
rest is in heaven, my rest is not here, Then why should I tremble when trials
come near?
hushed, my dark spirit, the worst that can come But shortens thy journey, and
hastens thee home.
It is not for
me to be seeking my bliss, Or building my hopes in a region like this;
I look for a
city that hands have not piled, I pant for a country by sin undefiled.
oppress me, but cannot destroy, One glimpse of His love turns them all into
The bitterest
tears, if He smiles but on them, Like dew in the sunshine, grow diamond and
Let doubt,
then, and danger my progress oppose, They only make heaven more sweet at the
Come joy, or
come sorrow, whatever befall, One hour with my God will make up for them all.
A load on my
back, a staff in my hand, I march on in haste through an enemy’s land;
The road may
be rough, but it cannot be long; I’ll smooth it with hope and cheer it with
The glory awaiting us in heaven is called an eternal glory (1 Pet. 5:10).
The glory of this world passes away very quickly. But the glory of the world to
come never shall. The glory of this world is fading. The glory of that world is
ending. The glory of this is temporal. The glory of that world is eternal. The glory
of heaven is an immutable, eternal weight of glory. All that awaits us on the
other side is eternal...
A Crown Of Glory That Fadeth Not Away.
An Inheritance That Is Eternal.
A House, Not Made With Hands, Eternal In The Heavens.
A Kingdom That Is Everlasting.
A City That Abides And Continues Forever.
“When kingdoms, crowns, and scepters
are no more, and all that is great and glorious in this world (has passed
away), this will endure forever, for it is eternal glory the God of all grace
calls his people to and will put them in possession of” (John Gill).
Here is the
glory of heaven - It is to be forever with the Lord. It is eternity with
This world is
not my home, I’m only passing through;
A stranger
here, I must go on, My home is now in view:
“Forever with
the Lord!” Amen! So let it be!
With Christ
I’ll live forevermore In immortality!
Add to all this the fact that heaven is a place of glory (John 14:3).
Our Lord said, “I go and prepare a place
for you.” Yes, heaven is a state and condition of glory. But it is also a
place of glory, a place where Christ is gone, a place where he sits in a real
body upon a glorious throne, a place prepared for us.
The glory of
that place called heaven is set forth in the Scriptures under many striking
images, images taken from the most great, glorious, rich and valuable things
known to men. We know that the imagery used in the Scriptures to describe
heaven is not given to describe its literal form, size, and shape, because Paul
told us plainly that no tongue could describe what he saw there and heard there
(2 Cor. 12:1-4). Those images drawn of heaven by the inspired writers of God’s
Word are intended to show us the surpassing excellence and infinite glory that
awaits us in heaven. Here are five images given in the Word of God to show us
the grandeur and greatness of heavenly glory.
It is a house, but a house incomparable to any house found in this world. This
house is a building of God, “a house not
made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”
This house of glory is not built by man’s hands. This is a
house whose Builder and Maker is God. There is nothing, not one brick or piece
of timber in that heavenly house that has been laid in its place by the will of
man, the works of man, or the worship of man. Our house in heaven is a
construction of grace alone. It is true, the works of God’s saints follow them
into their house in heaven (Rev. 14:13). But they do not go before them. And
they have nothing to do with the building of that house. It is a building of
God. Its foundation was laid in God’s purpose. Its walls were erected by
Christ’s blood. Its title deed was purchased by Christ’s blood. Its door was
opened by Christ’s entrance into heaven.
Solomon built
a great temple in Jerusalem. When it was laid in ruins, Zerubbabel rebuilt it,
and Herod repaired it. It was a grand and glorious structure in the eyes of
men. But where is it now? Not one stone is left in its place. It was a holy
place made with hands. But it was only a temporary, typical house. Our house in
heaven is the true holy place. It is the building of God, the work of free,
sovereign, effectual grace in the Lord Jesus Christ.
This house is in the heavens (2 Cor. 5:2).
Our present houses of clay, the physical bodies in which we now live, have
their foundation in the dust of the earth. Therefore, they must soon crumble.
But our house which is from heaven and in heaven is eternal. It will never age,
or crumble, or stand in need of repair. Men build their houses on earth and
vainly imagine that they will stand forever (Psa. 49:11). But in time they
decay, are demolished by the elements, broken down with earthquakes, burned by
fire, or destroyed by their enemies. Our heavenly house of glory abides
forever. All its apartments are called “everlasting
habitations” (Lk. 16:9).
Our Lord Jesus called this house our “Father’s house” (John 14:2). It is his Father’s house.
That makes it our Father’s house; and that makes it all the more endearing and
glorious. In our Father’s house there are many mansions. Roll this morsel
around in your heart - Heaven is called the “Father’s
house.” Our Father built it. Our Father dwells there. It is the place where
He would have all his children to be. Our Father’s house is a rich, roomy,
stately, and well stored house, a place of “many
mansions.” These mansions are dwelling places for the King’s sons. They are places of rest, joy, and
peace, where the sons and daughters of almighty God want for nothing. And there
are “many” of them! Many for the many
who were ordained to eternal life - The many who have been justified by
Christ’s obedience - The many for whom his blood was shed for the remission of
sins - And the many sons whom he will bring to glory (Acts 13:48; Rom. 5:19;
Matt. 26:28; Heb. 2:10). There is room enough and provision enough in the
Father’s house for all the innumerable hosts of those men and women out of
every nation, kindred, tribe and tongue chosen, redeemed, and called by
almighty grace.
Eph. 1:11; Col. 1:12; Rom. 8:17). As
Canaan was an inheritance distributed by lot to the children of Israel, so
heavenly glory is an inheritance given by lot, by the lot which God himself
arranged (Prov. 16:33), to the Israel of God. As Canaan is a type of heaven, it
should never be forgotten that Moses could never bring Israel into the land.
But what Moses through the weakness of the flesh could not do, Joshua did. And
the saints of God are brought to heaven not by the works of the law, but by the
Lord Jesus Christ, our Joshua, our Deliverer, the Captain of our salvation.
An inheritance is a free gift. It
cannot be earned by labor and diligence. It cannot be merited. And it cannot be
purchased with money. It is bequeathed from one person to another. Our
inheritance in heavenly glory was given by God the father to his Son, Christ
Jesus our Lord. And it is given by Christ to all who trust him. It is to us a
gift of pure, free, sovereign grace. Be sure you understand these things.
Heavenly glory
cannot be obtained, in any part or degree, by the works of men. All men by
nature vainly imagine that they must do something to inherit eternal life in
heaven. But their proud imaginations deceive them. Eternal life is the gift of
God (Rom. 6:23) in its promise, in its bestowment, in its preservation, and in
its everlasting enjoyment. Heavenly glory cannot be purchased by men. If a man
should give all his substance for it, the price offered would be utterly
despised by God. Heavenly glory is an inheritance bequeathed to chosen sinners
by our heavenly Father from eternity. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give
his kingdom to his elect. He gives it by his own will, by a testament, through,
by, and upon the merits of the sacrificial death of his dear Son, the Testator
(Heb. 9:15-17).
inheritance belongs only to the children of God (Rom. 8:17). It does not belong
to his servants, the angels (Heb. 1:14), nor to the children of the bond-woman
(Gal. 4:30), self-righteous, legalistic, works and free-will religionists, but
only to those men and women predestinated to adoption in eternity and called to
be the sons of God in time. Yet, it is an inheritance that belongs to all the
saints of God fully. There are no degrees of glory in heaven. There are no back
settlements in the heavenly Canaan! There are no second class citizens in the
New Jerusalem!
Our heavenly
inheritance is incorruptible. All earthly inheritances are corruptible, subject
to change, and unstable. This inheritance cannot be corrupted by us or anyone
else. It cannot be changed or altered in any degree. It is as sure as the
throne of God. It is an undefiled inheritance. It is an inheritance that fadeth
not away. It is an eternal inheritance (Heb. 9:15). It is an inheritance
reserved in heaven, immutably and infallibly reserved in heaven for God’s elect
(1 Pet. 1:4). God keeps the inheritance for us; and God keeps us for the
Heaven is a large, rich, spacious, fully inhabited city, whose Builder and
Maker is God. Like the other images, this word, “city”, is a figurative term,
not to be understood in any carnal, earthly, mundane sense. Heaven is a city
infinitely beyond anything on this earth.
It is “a city which hath foundations.” Not one
foundation, but many, so that it is firm, immovable, and cannot be shaken,
thrown down, or dissolved. The foundations upon which this city, this
habitation of glory, is built are the everlasting love of God, the unalterable
covenant of grace, and the blessed Rock of Ages, Jesus Christ our Lord.
The glory of
this city cannot be comprehended or described by men upon this earth (2 Cor. 12:4). The description of the
New Jerusalem given by the Apostle John is a hyperbole. It does exactly what it
was intended to do. It defies imagination. John saw in his vision a city with
walls of jasper, gates of pearl, and streets of pure gold, transparent as
glass! What a place of spiritual wealth, abundance, and happiness heaven must
be! What a place of spiritual excellence and perfection! There they have no
value, absolutely no value, for the most priceless treasures and gems of the
world! In that world, where there is no sin, there is no greed, nor
covetousness, nor ambition. In that glory land, where there is no sin, material
things are nothing but useful accommodations. No value is placed upon them.
Jasper is nothing but a wall to enclose the church of God. Pearls are nothing
but gates to open the kingdom of God. Gold is nothing but pavement upon which
men and women walk to the throne of God. May God graciously teach us so to use
them now!
great. An inheritance is something greater. A city is something greater still.
But the inspired writers seem to stretch for words to describe the heavenly
glory, using ever expanding ideas to describe it. What is heaven? It is a
glorious house! Yes, but it is more than a house. It is a glorious inheritance!
Yes, but it is more than an inheritance. It is a glorious city! Yes, but it is
more than a city. It is a glorious kingdom!
God’s saints
in this world are kings. We have a kingdom now which cannot be moved (Heb.
12:28). It is a kingdom that lies not in carnal ceremonies, but in
righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17). And we are heirs
of another kingdom, a kingdom prepared for us from the foundation of the world
(Matt. 25:35). It is a kingdom of glory (1 Thess. 2:12). It is an everlasting
kingdom. We have been called and born into this kingdom by the almighty,
irresistible grace and power of God the Holy Spirit. We have been prepared and
fitted for this kingdom by the blood and righteousness of Christ.
The kingdom of
glory to which we are heirs is the place where every believer shall be crowned
and honored by God and all the holy angels. In this world there is no honor put
upon faith, faithfulness, and commitment to Christ. But in the world to come
God himself and all his holy angels will honor and crown redeemed sinners for
the perfection of beauty grace has given them in Christ (Eph. 1:10; 2;7; Rev.
21:9). (See Jeremiah 33:16.) The Lord God himself will give us a crown.
A Crown Of Life (James 1:12).
A Crown Of Righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8).
A Crown Of Glory That Fadeth Not Away (1 Cor. 9:25).
our great God and Savior will cause us to sit upon a throne as kings in his
glorious kingdom (Rev. 3:21). We have been raised from the dunghill of fallen
humanity by his grace. And we shall be raised from the dunghill to a throne of
glory in heaven (1 Sam. 2:8). There, in heavenly glory, we shall inherit and
sit upon the throne with Christ himself. This is grace! And this is glory!
ETERNAL, HOLY PLEASURE (Psa. 16:11). Heaven is a house. Heaven is an inheritance.
Heaven is a city. Heaven is a kingdom. And heaven is a place of glorious life,
fullness of joy, and pleasure forevermore. Everything that is pleasing to the
renewed mind, gratifying to the sanctified heart, and desirable to the
regenerate soul shall be fully enjoyed to all eternity in heaven’s glory land.
we shall sit down with Christ at his table and drink new wine with him in his
Father’s kingdom. There we shall pick and eat the fruit of the Tree of Life
which stands in the midst of the Paradise of God. There we shall drink of that
pure River of The Water of Life proceeding out of the throne of God and of the
Lamb. There we shall see what no eye has seen, hear what no ear has heard, and
understand that which has never entered into the heart of man.
eye of man has seen many things on earth very grand and illustrious, and what
have been very entertaining to it. But it never saw such objects as will be seen
in heaven. The ear of man has heard and been entertained with very pleasing
sounds, very delightful music, vocal and instrumental. But it never heard such
music as will be heard in heaven. The heart of man can conceive of more than it
has either seen or heard. But it never conceived of such things as will be
enjoyed in the world above” (John Gill).
The door of access to heavenly glory is straight. The way is narrow. We must come in by the Door, Christ Jesus. The only way to God, the only way to heaven, the only way to glory is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is the Only Way, the Righteous Way, and the Sure Way. Let none be satisfied with merely studying about the glory awaiting Gods saints in heaven. Let us make certain that we are in the Way that brings sinners there. Let us make our calling and election sure. Make certain that you are in Christ.